Become a BRIC Builder to ensure the BRIC's stability, sustainability, and growth so that we can continue to provide resources to Colorado's Black-led and serving nonprofits and build Black communities now and in the future.
BRIC Builders are our supporters who donate funds—of any amount or in any frequency—to help pave our path forward. Your support will help BRIC continue to provide resources to Colorado's Black-led and Black-serving nonprofits, and build Black communities now and in the future. Be part of our collective movement. Help us break barriers while building opportunities, and expanding our resources for Black communities. Help guarantee a long-term investment in our communities’ liberation.
Together, we can be a powerful force for change.
We have a goal: Raise $10 million by 2025. Join us as we continue to elevate the voices, power, and resilience of Black leaders; own our narrative; and build strong Black communities from within—BRIC by BRIC.
There are two ways you can make a financial contribution:

Way #1
Way #2
Donate to Support BRIC’s Annual Programs and Initiatives
Your one-time or recurring donation helps support the work we’re doing now. It funds our innovative grants and initiatives, all designed to provide Black-led and Black-serving nonprofits with a full range of opportunities focused on organizational growth and strengthening community-based services.

If you have questions about including BRIC in your estate planning to establish your family’s legacy of giving, please contact LaDawn Sullivan at lsullivan@bricfund.org.
Our Commitment
With your contribution, BRIC commits to being mindful of our processes, thoughtful in addressing needs, and steadfast in our work, all the while deepening our resolve to build strong Black communities from within—BRIC by BRIC. We will:
Integrate and be led by the diverse voices of Colorado's Black communities.
Continue to invest in our Black-led and Black-serving nonprofits and leaders of color.
Integrate Black artists and the arts to elevate their work and our stories.
Work collaboratively with local, regional and national community leaders for racial equity.
Continue to invest in and build community leaders—lifting as we climb.
Educate ourselves about laws, policies and practices to change those that harm and exclude us.
Participate in coalitions with leaders of color to build power, leverage and change through organizing, advocacy and policy.
Bridge and connect with white allies, accomplices, and co-conspirators to dismantle racism.
Always center the Black community and Black leadership in the foundation and the heart of our work.
Invest our 5 Ts—Time, Talent, Treasure, Testimony and social Ties—to increase how we historically and culturally invest in Black-led and Black-serving efforts to drive our own progress.
"Philanthropy is not a transaction. In order for change to happen, there needs to be engagement and dialogue, which helps bring a strategic focus on how we can make a collective impact. The Black community has a long history of philanthropy that comes from resilience and optimism - because you can't have one without the other."
~ Karen McNeil-Miller - President & CEO, Colorado Health Foundation